Neil Puttick




Next JS Sticker Logo"
React JS Sticker Logo"
Node JS Sticker Logo"
WordPress Sticker Logo"
Portrait of Neil Puttick introducing website
Experienced JavaScript Engineer
Specialist in React & Next.JS
Full-Stack: creating & managing APIs
Dev-Ops: Maintaining Servers & Cloud

Versatile and experienced Technologist

Working with UK Sciences, Creative Industries, Construction and Financial Services.

Next JS Sticker Logo"
React JS Sticker Logo"
Node JS Sticker Logo"
WordPress Sticker Logo"
React Query Sticker Logo"
Tailwind (CSS) Sticker Logo"
Prisma (ORM / DB) Sticker Logo"
Portrait of Neil Puttick introducing website

I make:

Commercial Websites...
Customer Dashboards, Calculators, E-Commerce Platforms...
SaaS Applications...
Analytics suites and Research Tools...
Neil and a satisfied customer shaking hands
Meeting Clients to develop projetc plans
Neil walking on a giant iron ore ball - sort out the problem

I get the job done!

My focus is on the needs of the client and on the task: creating exceptional work and using the best tools for the job.

Prisma Logo
Bun Logo
React Query Logo

Forward thinking

Using exciting, new technologies to speed up and futureproof commercial sites. I specialise in updating and integrating legacy systems.

Working at a laptop with a bacon sandwich
Typescript Logo
VS Code Logo

Methodical and Efficient

Typescript & testing as standard. Using AI to work quickly and DRY / SOLID principles to create typesafe and tested products.

Podman Logo
GraphQL Logo
Netlify Logo

Extensive DevOps experience

Organising and managing Cloud Servers and Containerisation. Utilising production and deployment tools: Netlify, Vercel & Github pipelines.

Neil doing a talk at a local tech space
Meeting community leaders
Homemade Love NHS Logo

Part of the community and always learning

I am passionate about what I do and love working with a team to share knowledge.

Neil putting postits on the wall
Meeting Clients to discuss ongoing maintenance
Testing out VR bicycle

I love problem-solving

I understand how to fix and maintain digital services. Always monitoring to improve services.

Neil taking part in light show artwork
Helping volunteer bus drivers
speaking on the radio

I go the extra mile

Working with SMEs/startups means I know how to liaise with stakeholders and often help research, write copy, design graphics, manage projects.

Get In Touch

I am easy to contact and love speaking with people about my work...Contact me here: